Archive for the #pol Category


| December 24th, 2016


| December 24th, 2016

Luc Montagnier. Luc Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for helping to discover HIV. Since then, according to Science-Based Medicine, Dr Montagnier has embraced DNA teleportation, homeopathy, and the belief that autism (as well as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and various other diseases) is linked to bacterial DNA that emits electromagnetic waves. More bizarrely, he believes that HIV — the very virus that he discovered — can be cured through nutrition.

Source: Paul Krugman Now Has Nobel Disease | American Council on Science and Health

Trump, as his pollster Tony Fabrizio later explained, focused entirely on swing states, and didn’t try to “run up the score” in states like Texas, Georgia and Arizona that Trump expected to win. From October 21 to election day, Trump’s ad spending was entirely focused on swing states, while Clinton was still spending in Texas and California. If the two candidates had spent an equal amount, and if Trump had spent in states like Texas that he assumed he would win and in states like California where his margin was well below Mitt Romney in 2012, I believe the popular vote would have been much closer.

Source: On the Eve of Disruption: Final Thoughts on the 2016 Election

Over the past decades, we have seen the rise of executive branch governance in the service of the liberal ideological state. This kind of governance is marked by four characteristics: (1) a bias toward increasing the size and scope of government across every department and agency, no matter which political party controls the White House or Congress; (2) a nonmilitary executive branch workforce comprised overwhelmingly (though in different degrees in different departments) of liberal officials, who are ideologically disposed to support this growth, and who are no longer representative of the populace as a whole; (3) a broad support system of direct government funding for liberal groups that reinforces the bias toward ever larger and more intrusive government; and (4) the development of a privileged set of rules and rewards for the governing experts (including compensation levels, bonuses, guaranteed job security, defined benefit retirement systems, and a different set of standards by which to measure their own actions as opposed to those of the governed).

Source: The Liberal Ideological Complex | The Weekly Standard

#pol The New Progressivism

| December 11th, 2016

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| November 30th, 2016

Political psychology syllabus #pol

| November 27th, 2016

Political psychology references and citations.

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| May 1st, 2016

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| April 8th, 2016

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| March 16th, 2016

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| March 14th, 2016

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| March 14th, 2016

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| March 11th, 2016

CoDoubt on Twitter #pol

| March 8th, 2016